Five essentials for growing pollution-free tea

In recent years, the international trade market has placed high demands on tea quality, and solving pesticide residues is an urgent issue. To ensure the supply of high-quality organic food to the market, the following five technical measures can be summarized:

1. Strengthen tea garden management

(1) Promote the use of organic fertilizers in tea gardens. Apply base fertilizer once in winter, apply germination fertilizer once before spring tea, and apply relay fertilizer once in time after spring tea to prevent tea trees from lacking nutrition and affecting the quality of summer and autumn tea.

(2) Emphasis on timely weeding with weeding machine to loosen the soil, clean the tea garden, promote aerobic bacteria – microbial activities, decompose humus content, help the tea trees absorb effective nutrients, and promote the healthy growth of the tea trees.

weeding machine

(3) Make use of the abundant natural conditions of firewood on the edge of the tea area. Before spring tea, use a brush cutter to harvest relatively tender firewood and spread it between the tea bushes or tea rows. This can not only avoid overgrown weeds, but also reduce water evaporation in the soil and prevent autumn drought. After the young grass rots, it has the effect of improving the soil aggregate structure and increasing the fertility of the tea garden.

2. Instead of spraying pesticides to kill pests, advocate protecting natural enemies – beneficial insects, to achieve the purpose of controlling pests with insects, or use Solar type insects trapping equipment.

3. Application of chemical fertilizers. Applying too much chemical fertilizers will cause soil hardening and destroy the soil aggregate structure. Tea farmers who heavily apply chemical fertilizers should switch to organic fertilizers to ensure the improvement of the quality of organic tea.

4. Optimize the ecological environment. Around the tea garden, attention should be paid to the protection of the ecological environment. The beneficial birds and animals in the forest create a good environment for tea production from different angles.

5. Strictly follow the technical specifications of different tea types for picking and manufacturing. In particular, the tea leaf processing machines in primary and refining factories, as well as the areas where green leaves and other raw materials are stacked, must be clean and sanitary to prevent the re-contamination of the factory products, so that the finished organic tea can meet the standards of good color, aroma and taste